Ignite FB Tracking Pixel533 N Left Fork Hobble Creek Canyon, Springville, UT 84663 - Sharon Eastman
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Single FamilyFor Sale
533 N Left Fork Hobble Creek Canyon
Springville, UT 84663
Listed by: Summit Sotheby's Realty, (801) 369-2507
MLS: Park City MLS
7Full3Half Baths
17,493Sq Ft
Est. Mortgage

Hobble Creek Ranch is one of the most magnificent properties in the American West. It offers a truly unique proposition--a stunning estate home with a backyard playground extending over 3,387 acres (over 4.5 miles wide) of spectacular recreational lands. The property has substantial water rights along with seven ponds, and it controls access to over ten thousand acres of forest service lands. The ranch varies in elevation from 5,700 feet to over 9,100 feet and has extensive roads and trails that provide access throughout the property. Hobble Creek Ranch is ideally suited for cattle and horses, and the big game elk and deer hunting opportunities are incredible. The home is securely positioned behind two gates and is surrounded by nearly twenty beautifully manicured acres. Every element of the home was built to the highest standards, and the finish work and detail are unrivaled. The location is really special. You feel like you are miles and miles away from anyone, yet there is a golf course ten minutes away and a grocery store only a short drive from there. Hobble Creek Ranch is situated at the end of a paved road in Hobble Creek Canyon, which is about an hour from Salt Lake City and Park City, and about thirty minutes from a private airport.

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The multiple listing information is provided by the Park City MLS, Inc., from a copyrighted compilation of listings. The compilation of listings and each individual listing are © 2025 Park City MLS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Access to the multiple listing information through this website is made available by Summit Sotheby's Realty as a member of the Park City Multiple Listing Service, Inc. Listing Information Last Updated 03/26/2025 08:56 AM
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